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Check out some of my projects:


A social media dictionary with Arabic Dialectic slang built using React, NestJS, ExpressJS, PassportJS, MySQL, SCSS, and Firebase (for user-submitted blogs) hosted using Vercel, AWS, and Docker Containers.

eCommerce Site

Built a custom Shopify eCommerce website for a shoe selling store: Imperial Edge. The code for this site is not available publicly.

Engineering Consulting Firm Site

A ShadCN website made with NextJS for an Engineering & Consulting firm.

Web Design Company Site

A website made with NextJS for an app development studio I lead.

Physician Assistant Resume page

A NextJS web app resume site for a PA styled using Taiwind and the ShadcnUI and Aceternity libraries.

Real-Time Transaction System

A simple Java Spring Boot bank ledger system that utilizes the Event Sourcing Pattern to maintain a transaction history, allowing users to perform banking operations such as depositing funds, withdrawing funds, and checking balances


A Snake Game built using Java with the ability to control speed, snake color, pause, play, fullscreen, set highscores, and load highscores

Feedback App

A React app that can manage feedback in the form of reviews and ratings

Github Finder

A React app to search Github profiles using the Context API along with the useContext and useReducer hooks for state management


A Machine Learning model built to predict stock price direction using historical data, as well as Twitter and Reddit post sentiment

Basketball Point Prediction

A comparison of various model accuracies, attempting to predict a player's number of scored points

Random Youtube

A Python application that uploads videos (example) with random pixel colors, titles, and descriptions to YouTube. This was built in order to practice numpy and matplotlib, and learn about the Youtube Data API and the Python library moviepy

The Key of Life Scouting Group (High School Project)

A website made from scratch during sophomore-junior years of high school and maintained through senior year for the scouting group that I founded. Built the website in order to learn html, css, and a little JavaScript. The website was hosted on Godaddy, then migrated to an AWS S3 instance, then was finally migrated to netlify where it still sits.


Find many more projects featured on my GitHub